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Listen: "You Are Not So Smart Podcast #36"
13/11/14 09:29 Filed in: Listen
David McRaney;
Why we are unaware that we lack the skill to tell how unskilled and unaware we are
When you are unskilled yet unaware, you often experience what is now known in psychology as the Dunning-Kruger effect, a psychological phenomenon that arises sometimes in your life because you are generally very bad at self-assessment. If you have ever been confronted with the fact that you were in over your head, or that you had no idea what you were doing, or that you thought you were more skilled at something than you actually were – then you may have experienced this effect. It is very easy to be both unskilled and unaware of it..
Why we are unaware that we lack the skill to tell how unskilled and unaware we are