Collected Data

"Why would dinosaurs have machine guns? Why wouldn't they?"

Scott Wampler for Birth, Movies, Death;

Last night, Universal unveiled the first full trailer for JA Bayona's Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Fan reactions to the trailer have been mixed for all the usual reasons - some folks consider the storyline ridiculous, others aren't thrilled at how "small" the footage looks, still others would prefer if the film leaned more heavily on animatronics versus CGI - but my beef with the film is far more specific: namely, it does not appear that Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's dinosaurs will shoot machine guns.

This is complete and total bullshit.

Cut The Bullshit And Make The Dinosaurs Shoot Machine Guns

This guy has a point.

Watch: "Twice Upon A Time - Doctor Who: Christmas Special 2017 Trailer"